
Intelligent Escort Management System

Solution overview

As an important part of bank security, bank escort has been paid more and more attention in recent years. The traditional way of handover and IC card handover in bank escort has become increasingly prominent drawbacks: manual handover mainly relies on artificial face recognition (through mutual familiarity among internal personnel), and IC card relies on password authentication. These ways of identity authentication are implemented by strict management. If there are management loopholes, personnel transformation or password leakage, it is very important. It may pose a huge threat to bank funds.

Highlight features

To solve this problem, Miaxis has developed a fingerprint management system for bank escort, and successfully applied biometric technology to the bank escort management system, which satisfies the security requirements of bank escort. It thoroughly solves the loopholes in the current management system and methods, can effectively strengthen the management of the escort (cashier), eliminate the possibility of internal and external collusion crime, so that such crimes can be completely eradicated.

How it works

Intelligent Escort Management System

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